By Sunil Kumar(From my Quora answers)


Wonderful. Yes, Lord Krishna is the best pathfinder. But don’t expect him to take you along like a toddler.

According to the Gita, the Upanishads and even ‘Puranic’ Hinduism, we are in this material world that is temporary and impermanent due to our own desire, the interplay of ‘iccha’, ‘dvesha’ acting according to the three modes of material nature blinded by ‘maya’ to our original path. We consider the greatest goal (athato brahma jigyasa-inquiry or search for God) to be superficial and our ‘material’ existence to be important and primary.

Krishna does not want you to give up and subscribe to fatalism as people have done for centuries. Not necessary to head to the Himalayas or other remote locations. He wants us to do our duty(dharma) and aspire for nishkama karma- desireless action with the fruits left in God’s hands(easy to preach, difficult to practise for a usual human being). He has given us free will subject to material constraints. It’s like he is the ‘Architect’ of this ‘Matrix’ a person who transcends his own creation whereas humanity strives along in this simulation.

If you want to reach the ‘Final Destination’ and exit this ‘mayajal’(finish the game), Lord Krishna is the best pathfinder as he has given us general guidelines. Just like when rain falls on the ground, it does not discriminate between a stone or grass. The Bhagavad Gita has been given by Krishna as a reference text to navigate out of this ‘samsara’ but it depends on the person’s consciousness on how he/she interprets and receives the message and strives for his/her own ‘mukti’ or ‘liberation’.

Even the most highly respected ‘sanyasins’ or ‘gurus’ who may apparently be more scholarly, learned or aware may be less dearer to Krishna than a humble cobbler who is totally surrendered to God and follows a simple, clear path. So, Lord Krishna is the ‘supreme’ pathfinder or guide, but every man/woman et al has to tread their own way through the burning flashfire of material existence.

By Sunil